Author Archive: liberal1212

TLS 1- Segunda Volta

TLS 1, SEGUNDA VOLTA Iha loron segunda dia 16 Fulan Abril 2012, povu Timor-Leste ba daruak fo tan nia votu ba elisaun Presidensial segunda ronda nian atu hili nia Presidente ba periode 2012-2017. Dados STAE nian n’ebe fosai direta husi RTTL katak povu nebe elijivel atu vota hamutuk 627.295, maibe partisipasaun povu nian iha loron …

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Deklarasaun husi Taur Matan Ruak, Prezidente Eleitu

Deklarasaun husi Taur Matan Ruak, Prezidente Eleitu, konaba Proklamasaun Rezultadau Eleitoral ba Prezidente Repúblika, 2012-2017 19 de Abril de 2012, 00:08 Ho rezultadu nasional final be STAE aprezenta ona no, maske, Tribunal Rekursu seidauk proklama, ha´u sei hato´o ha´u-nia deklarasaun ba dahuluk: 1 – Ha´u-nia liafuan ba dahuluk, mai husi ha´u-nia laran no diriji ba …

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TLS 1 – Primeira Volta

Díli, 26 mar (Lusa) – O Supremo Tribunal de Recurso de Timor-Leste proclamou hoje, em cerimónia pública, válida a primeira volta das eleições presidenciais do país, que decorreu no passado dia 17 de março. Segundo o presidente do Supremo Tribunal de Recurso timorense, Cláudio Ximenes, os resultados oficiais da primeira volta das eleições são os …

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Asinatura Paktu Unidade Nasional

ASINATURA PAKTU UNIDADE NASIONAL Iha loron 28 de Fevereiro de 2012, oras tuku 2 lokoraik, CNE realiza ceremonia asinatura Paktu Unidade Nasional iha Salaun DILI CONVENTION CENTRE (DCC) Iha biban nee marka presensa ulun boot soberania Esatdo nian hotu, Instituisaun estado no autoridade lokal husi xefe Suco too Prezidente da Republika. CNE mos organiza LIA …

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Manifestu Politiku P.D.L

MANIFESTU POLÍTIKU PARTIDU DEMOKRÁTIKU LIBERAL TIMOR-LESTE Manifestu Politiku Partidu Demokrátiku Liberal nian hanesan afirmasaun prinsípal nó esensial baseia ba filosofia politíka Liberal ninian Konteudus DALAN LIBERALISMU PDL NIA FIAR PROGRAMA XAVE PDL XAVE 1 : ITA NIA FAMÍLIA XAVE 2 : ITA NIA KOMUNIDADE XAVE 3 : ITA NIA GOVERNASAUN XAVE 4 : OPORTUNIDADE EKONOMIKU …

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P.D.L Tama ba CNE

Maubere sira, Ohin dia 24 de Fevereiro de 2012, PDL halo resposta ba pedido husi Prezidente CNE, DR Faustino Cardoso Gomes, MSi Asuntu Karta ne’ebe prezidente haruka mai PDL data 15 den Junho de 2011 mak: PDL tenke haruka no aktualiza lalais statuto foun, Manual politika foun, struktutra foun, sertifikadu hsui Tribunal, Publikasaun husi RTTL, …

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Liberal Seklu 21

Oxford Manifesto 1997 The Liberal Agenda for the 21st Century: The Liberal Manifesto, adopted by the 48th Congress of Liberal International on 27-30 November 1997 in The Town Hall in Oxford, UK Inspired by the founders of the Liberal International who fifty years ago launched the Liberal Manifesto, 475 Liberals from every continent have returned …

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Saida mak Liberalisme?

Liberalisme Liberalisme atau Liberal adalah sebuah ideologi, pandangan filsafat, dan tradisi politik yang didasarkan pada pemahaman bahwa kebebasan adalah nilai politik yang utama. Secara umum, liberalisme mencita-citakan suatu masyarakat yang bebas, dicirikan oleh kebebasan berpikir bagi para individu. [2] Paham liberalisme menolak adanya pembatasan, khususnya dari pemerintah dan agama. Dalam masyarakat modern, liberalisme akan dapat …

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Komparativu Politika Liberal…!

Liberal and Progressives in Comparative politics James Garrett March 15, 2010 My intention is to show there is no difference between Liberal, progressives or socialist and a communist. These are most of the different major political systems used in the last 100 years. This page will show and compare what they practice in their social …

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Twelve and Duodecad (K-12)!

The word “twelve” is the largest number with a single-morpheme name in English. Etymology suggests that “twelve” (similar to “eleven”) arises from the Germanic compound twalif “two-leftover”, so a literal translation would yield “two remaining [after having ten taken]”. This compound meaning may have been transparent to speakers of Old English, but the modern form …

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